MyData Online 2020 conference brought together more than 250 high-quality presenters from all around the world to share their expertise.
All the presentation materials will be added to this page on a rolling basis, and the recordings will become available in January 2021 on our Youtube-channel.
The daily schedule is available below the presentations.
Presentation materials
- Please see below all of the published presentation materials. More materials will be added throughout this week!
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- Session recordings will become available later in January 2021.
- To the presenters – if your presentation is missing here, it means we have not received your presentation yet. Please send your materials with the permission to publish them to sille (at) mydata (dot) org.
Designing the new normal: India Stack
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Main stage
Presenters: Siddharth Shetty, Kaliya Young
Host: Jonathan Kempe
Description: Looking into the future of digital societies around the world, the MyData community advocates to change common data practices towards a situation, where individuals are both protected and empowered to use the data that organisations hold about them. What does it mean in the context of this past year? How is India paving the path towards this preferable new normal? What considerations need to be kept in mind?
In this session, Siddharth Shetty opens up how the IndiaStack & Data Empowerment and Protection Architecture (DEPA) creates actionable rights for every Indian to exercise control over their data. IndiaStack is a set of APIs that allows governments, businesses, startups and developers to utilise an unique digital Infrastructure to solve India’s hard problems towards presence-less, paperless, and cashless service delivery. DEPA deals with the consent layer of India Stack. Furthermore, Shetty addresses the questions around what are the biggest challenges and opportunities going forward in enabling secure portability of trusted data between service providers, and truly empowering individuals with their data.
Kaliya Young will then outline some of the considerations to be kept in mind when designing human-centric infrastructure and services. She will explore the possible implications of some of the trade offs made in data practices, and what it would mean to individuals living in digital societies around the world. Are there multiple paths to the desired new normal?
Level of detail: Mid-level
MyData movement in Digital Global South
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Session room 1
Presenters: Charlie Martial Ngounou, Jamile Hamideh, Joe Kim, Kristina Yasuda, Pyrou Chung, Sherry Chung, Srinivas Kodali, Thy Try
Host: Antti 'Jogi' Poikola
Goal: The challenges for building digital IDs and using data are very different around the world, and we want to raise awareness to the fact that the Global South demands a different approach. We also want to invite partners to build solutions with us.
Description: Through sharing what challenges each country faces, we would like to provide a bigger picture view of the Digital Global South. We hope that the experts in the MyData community can involve us when they devise their MyData solutions.
Invited speakers will discuss three most concerned topics and would like to gather interested parties to spark international collaborations.
Topic List:
1. Legal ID and citizenship
2. Different conceptions of identity
3. Physical infrastructure
Level of detail: General
Aligning National Initiatives Across Borders
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Session Room 2
Presenters: Byungkon Kim, Soonho Jang, Eun Jin Koo, Mili Ko, Mehdi Medjaoui, Adrian Gropper, Matthias De Bievre, Olivier Dion
Session host: Chris Lee
Goal: This session will be a stage for bringing together multiple perspectives on MyData initiatives. We aim to provide our audience with an understanding of the thinking behind government agencies that are trying to develop human-centric ecosystems on a national level, and engage them in a discussion on creating synergy between government, business, citizens, and the tech that connects them.
Description: Korea has undergone sweeping legal infrastructure changes this year. The main goal of these changes: establish human-centricity in the data industry. The Korea Data Agency is a Korean government agency that has been facilitating the growth of Korea's data industry. They have funded over 20 million dollars to 20+ personal data pilot projects in the last three years.
Our session will begin with a brief introduction to Korea's personal data ecosystem focusing on the BLTS aspects that Korea Data Agency has been working on establishing, and the challenges they have encountered in the process. Following the presentation, we will invite three panelists - a policy officer of the EU, a thought leader from the MyData Operators thematic group, and an industry player - to speak about their perspectives of how these challenges could be addressed and share their thinking about the role of government in promoting MyData. Our entire session will be open to our audience for questions and comments.
Level of detail: Detailed
Legal: [
NGI Funding: A sustainable internet for a greener data economy
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Info event
Presenters: Dr Giovanni Rimassa, Dr Monique Calisti
Host: Dr Monique Calisti
Goal: To present the Next Generation Internet initiative and invite newcomers to join, calling attention to the main challenges and opportunities to transform the internet of today into a more inclusive, trustworthy, democratic, resilient and sustainable one.
The Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative ( has been launched by the European Commission with the ambition to gather and empower the community of researchers and innovators in Europe at work to transform the Internet in a way that it responds to people’s fundamental needs, including trust, security, and inclusion, while reflecting the values and norms all citizens enjoy in Europe. The NGI has been evolving and growing right from its inception, gathering a large community of about 550 Internet researchers and innovators supported in 366 third-party projects. These projects cover a number of applications and technological building blocks that are essential to improve both the way the internet works and how it empowers people and communities.
As a matter of fact, the internet and its supporting technologies are essential to accelerate the twin digital and green transitions our society and economy need, especially to overcome the major crisis induced by the COVID19 pandemic. However, while advanced internet technologies are essential for this transition to happen rapidly and efficiently, they are also part of a major problem: the overall impact on the environment of digital technologies themselves.
Data traffic is increasing tremendously (+25% on average a year), corresponding to 55% of the annual energy consumption of the whole ICT sector. This year, due to the COVID19 pandemic and its effects on our lives, the Internet traffic, for instance, has been generally 25% to 30% higher than usual. This leads of course to an enormous growth of energy consumption, which calls technologists, policy makers, private and public organisations to adopt the proper measures to move to a more sustainable internet in the wider context of a greener data economy.
In this session, in line with the vision recently presented in the "Vision for the future internet" NGI working paper, we will discuss and present challenges, opportunities and recent initiatives that focus on the development and promotion of green digital technologies for a more sustainable internet in the context of a greener data economy.
Social Activity
Refresh your body and your spirit at the yoga session during MyData Online 2020 conference!
Relaxing atmosphere and light physical exercise will ground your productivity, creativity and wellbeing. The yoga sessions are suit for beginners and you can enjoy them at your (home) office. All you have to do is to land in the space of social activity room Relax & Move inside the event space at the times indicated in the programme, where yoga instructor Henriikka Konki will lead the audience through the soothing yoga poses.
Data stewardship for people and society
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Session Room 4
Presenters: Astha Kapoor - Co-founder Aapti Institute, Kasia Odrozek - Insights Director, Mozilla Foundation, Jessica Montgomery - Executive Director at Accelerate Programme for Scientific Discovery Cambridge University, Javi Creus - Co-founder, Salus Coop
Session host: Valentina Pavel
Goal: This session is about building a better understanding of the data stewardship landscape, what initiatives exist in this space and the range of viewpoints. Our aim is to showcase the framings and the kinds of principles and practices which can help shape the use of data for social good. The panel will share a range of research on frameworks and models for governing data in a way which is human – and society – centred, privacy-preserving and empowering. We’ll discuss how ideas can be put into practice, together with their strengths and limits. We want the audience to critically engage with the concept of data stewardship and we want to hear from you: how can data stewardship help do good with data?
Description: Data can help tackle the world’s biggest challenges, and organisations and governments around the world turn to data to tackle major societal problems, like combating the COVID-19 pandemic or supporting cities to become smarter and more innovative. But this must be offset by efforts to develop methods for the responsible management of data on behalf of data subjects; achieving both goals simultaneously – using data for good causes and protecting data subjects’ rights – is not straightforward. Defining ‘good’ causes is a subjective, moving target that can only be achieved through delicate human-centred deliberation, and protecting data rights requires constant navigation of regulatory and ethical obligations. Even if both these hurdles are overcome, there are often technical trials involved in getting data out of silos and opening it up for research and innovation. To untangle these complexities, researchers and practitioners are turning towards novel concepts and models for data governance, such as ‘data trusts’ or ‘data institutions’. Many of these models fall under the notion of data stewardship.
The panel members will share their research on these different approaches to data stewardship, and discuss some potential principles which individuals and organisations can follow in their interactions with data. We’re aiming to leave you more informed about the nuances of doing good with data, and equipped to carry out better practice themselves. If you’re struggling with similar issues, we’d love to hear from your experience and whether our emerging work at the Ada Lovelace Institute is useful and where would you like to see us going next on this. You can find our work here:
Level of detail: Mid-level
Future of data sovereignty
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Session Room 6
Presenters: Gregor Žavcer, Mariane ter Veen, Viktor Tron, Joel Thorstensson, Vero Estrada-Galinanes
Session host: Črt Ahlin
Goal: Inform the audience about the importance of the concept of data sovereignty, inspire them about the need for it and show practical solutions already exist for self-sovereign data.
Description: Gregor Žavcer will present the ethical principles we should follow for a Fair Data Society to emerge.
Mariane ter Veen will propose data sovereignty as the way forward for the data sharing domain.
Viktor Tron will talk about Swarm decentralized storage platform enabling data sovereignty.
Joel Thorstensson will address the 3Box solution that enables greater sovereignty over our data.
Vero Estrada-Galiñanes will explain the benefits distributed storage can bring to research.
Second part of the session will be a panel discussion.
Level of detail: Mid-level
BLTS Perspectives:
Climate Crisis & Commons Infrastructure
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Session Room 7
Presenters: Irene Adamski, Irene Hernández
Session host: Thomas Zeinzinger
Goal: First: We want to create an understanding that with the emergence of blockchain, decentralized storage protocols and self-sovereign identity systems there is a third option beside private markets and governments to combat the worsening climate crisis. Scalable and resilient Commons structures.
Second: We want to gain insights and opinions from the interested audience and if possible, forge new alliances with participants and deepen the cooperation among the presented human-centric, digital wallet solutions.
The workshop will show attendees how the MyData architecture works using real case studies and leave them with a 'how to' framework to guide their implementations.
Description: The worsening climate crisis shows how little has been done during the last 40 years since Exxon researchers already predicted what will happen to the global temperature, if we continue to pollute the atmosphere with CO2 and other green house gases. The private sector was following the typical logic of profit maximization and governments discussed and drafted emission-reduction plans year after year in COP meetings (#25 by now!), resulting in emissions raising from 19.5Gton (1980) to 36.6Gton (2018). So, if we neither can rely on politicians nor on the private sector, the climate cautious public needs to take matters in their own hand.
Luckily this social innovation is supported by the technical development of blockchains, decentralized storage protocols and self-sovereign identity solutions, which allow to scale commons structures on a global level. These technologies allow a human-centric approach to personal data, voting and money. But there are still many hurdles and therefore we want to present and discuss a crucial part in this effort to scale commons structures – digital wallets, which are built to put people in full control. With the EU Clean Energy Package at hand it is now the time to work on the necessary commons infrastructure to scale the energy transition bottom-up with the efficiency of private companies and within the legal frameworks of governments.
Level of detail: Mid-level
MyData Strategy of Global Enterprises
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Session Room 5
Presenters: Alex David, Ilona Ylinampa, Junseok Kang, Pascal Huijbers, Vincent Jansen
Session host: Jyrki Suokas
Goal: We aim to inspire more global enterprises to join MyData movement in making the data economy more human-centric. Together with other global visionaries, we will share our success stories built upon MyData aligned vision.
Description: TECHNOLOGY is a method, not an intrinsic value!
Visionaries from around the world will present success stories and explain why it is important to align MyData's human-centric principles in the data economy.
Key takeaways:
- Why aligning MyData principles help Fujitsu creates more business chances
- Finnish human-centric cases that align with MyData movement
- Korea's amended Data Privacy Laws spark human-centric solutions in the finance area
Level of detail: General
Demo Lounge
Demo: How to deploy and visit a serverless website
Social Event
On Thursday, 10 December, we celebrate the International Human Rights Day.
On this occasion, Tactical Tech, an international NGO that engages with citizens and civil-society organisations to explore and mitigate the impacts of technology on society, organises a social event around The Glass Room – Virtual Exhibition on Misinformation.
Stories We Tell About Data
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Main stage
Presenters: Primavera de Filippi, Catherine D'Ignazio
Host: Jaana Sinipuro
Description: The different stories we tell about data has implications on how we use data, and consequently paves the path for how we would tend to regulate it.
In this session, Primavera de Filippi shares a range of different frameworks for data governance, and proposes to rely on the analogy of data as "infrastructure" as a more effective conceptual framework for the sharing of data in the digital economy.
Catherine d’Ignazio will furthermore inspire to find alternative ways to think about data, by sharing insights from the feminist readings on data. How could rethinking data as something that elevates emotion and embodiment support us in creating more empowering data science practices?
Level of detail: Mid-level
Making Data Literacy Happen!
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Session Room 8
Presenters: Claudia Maria Grytz, Christoph Fabianek, Andre Kudra, Benoit Loeillet
Session host: Gülşen Güler
Goal: Our aim is to inspire participants to think about ways to implement data literacy within their organizations or individually in their life by creating a concrete action plan.
Description: Data literacy is becoming more important every day in the digital age. But what is it and what can we do about it? In this session, we will look at aspects of data literacy to define it, then create action plans which work for us individually and our organizations. Working in small groups, we will look at how to cut through masses of data, what role IT knowledge plays, what are the needed skills to reap the benefits and how can we gain those skills as well as embed data literacy into our life.
Level of detail: General
Evolving trust in data sharing
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Session Room 11
Presenters: Karolina Mackiewicz, Carina Dantas, Veli Stroetman, Zoi Kolitsi, Diogo Martins, Tino Marti, Christiane Grunloh, Isabelle de Zegher, Bogi Eliasen, Risto Kaikkonen.
Session host: Carina Dantas
Goal: The key goal of the session is to discuss and validate a set of conclusions on health data sharing governance models and campaigns, aiming to find a common pathway to engage different stakeholders’ perspectives and approaches.
Description: For data sharing, technology itself is not perceived as the main challenge, but questions such as data anonymisation, informed consent, digital literacy, interoperability, people's lack of control over data and governance are key; privacy and security should be strengthened. Citizens are increasingly aware of the value of their data, and want to know what, how and what it is used for. Regulations need to be clear in what data needs special protections. These are some key points to discuss.
Level of detail: Mid-level
Business <3 MyData – Fair Data Criteria as a Tool for Competitiveness and Trust
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Session Room 9
Presenters: Jaana Sinipuro, Jyrki Suokas, Raija Laukkanen, Liz Brandt, Maija Nikula, Kim Hurtta
Session host: Katri Korhonen
Goal: Session introduces a new way of measuring company capabilities and maturity to operate in the fair data economy. The attendees will leave this interactive session with better understanding on ethical use of data and inspiration to transform their business towards a fair data economy.
Description: Is it possible to be successful in making business with data and respect the rights of an individual at the same time? What are the concrete steps a company can take to create new services by collecting, sharing and using data in a fair way?
Sitra’s IHAN project, together with Gartner, is working on criteria and a maturity model according to which organisations should operate in a fair data economy. The criteria is meant for organisations that want to have competitive advantage with the fair use of data and are also interested in the tools that can make it happen.
Which direction should this criteria take for it to be most useful to your organisation in the near future? We look forward to hearing your views as well as your suggestions for further development.
Level of detail: Mid-level
BLTS Perspectives:
Broken: Realigning the Business of Personal Data
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Session Room 10
Presenters: Pekka Nikander, Celine Takatsuno, Gam Dias, Sonja M. Amadae, Johanna Alvarez
Session host: Sergio Maldonado
Goal: How can individuals, brands, and media co-create a new normal, embracing ethical and human concerns while accepting economic realities? Join us as we bring together academia, business, and technology to explore a shared future for personal data.
Description: As members of the MyData community, we find common ground denouncing today’s broken business models -- dependent on constant streams of personal data, yet offering actual persons no true agency over their own information. That common ground, however, is the easy part.
In an interactive session, we ask the hard questions. ‘Breaking the box’ of data commoditization, we introduce new perspectives, examine present realities, and collaboratively explore a future in which data becomes anti-rival.
Level of detail: General
Info Event – NGI Funding DAPSI
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Info event
Presenters: Sara Mateo (Zabala), Daniel Errea (Zabala), Katrie Lowe (Domi Labs)
Session host: Miguel Gonçalves (F6S)
Goal: This session will present the DAPSI programme and its second open call that is an opportunity for data innovators to get grants up to €150k, free access to top infrastructure, mentoring and connections. It will also provide a testimony of a participant selected in the first open call.
Social Activity
Walking breaks during MyData Online 2020 conference are designed to encourage you to get up from your chair and MOVE.
The walking session will be facilitated.
Why is all data not created equal?
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Session Room 12
Presenters: Sepinoud Azimi Rashti, Lauren Klein, Jarmo Sareva, John C. Havens, Nora Lindström, Lauren Pandolfelli
Session host: Viivi Lähteenoja
Goal: Raise awareness about the need for empowerment of women and girls through data particularly in developing countries. Discuss the directions and steps different actors can take to advance gender equity in the world of and through the use of data.
Description: This session is for anyone interested in any one of data, gender, and the developing world.
We will first hear a keynote talk from the co-author of Data Feminism, Lauren F. Klein, which will be followed by a lively panel discussion with experts Sepinoud Azimi Rashti, John C. Havens, and a representative of UNICEF and commentary remarks from Nora Lindström. The audience is asked to engage with the presenters and ideas presented actively.
The session is hosted by the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, a leader in the UN Women initiative Generation Equality, and the Finnish Ambassador for Innovation, Jarmo Sareva and moderated by Viivi Lähteenoja.
Level of detail: Mid-level
Understanding the Origins of Identity
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Session Room 14
Presenters: Mawaki Chango, Jamile Hamideh, Kaye Maree
Session host: Kaliya Young
Goal: Our goals is to inform and provoke the thinking of those building personal data and identity systems now with historical context from four different perspectives. European practices. Computer systems. indigenous data sovereignty perspective and a real refugee perspective.
Level of detail: General
Approach to quality data in pandemics
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Session Room 15
Presenters: Iain Henderson, Crt Ahlin, Isabelle de Zegher, Davide Calvi, Adrian Gropper.
Session host: Isabelle de Zegher
Goal: Brainstorm on what needs to be the approach to deliver high quality, interoperable data to manage pandemics in a responsible way, while ensuring respect of Data privacy. A brief white paper will be issued with the highlights of the session.
Description: Short presentations building on experience from the MyData4Pandemics thematic group, followed by a brainstorming focused on the following questions
- what can we learn from that for subsequent phases on Covid 19 and subsequent pandemics (a series of short recommendations backed up with hypotheses)
- which areas require further work before they can be consolidated into recommendations
Level of detail: Mid-level
This is MyData service design
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Session Room 13
Presenters: Ame Elliott, Alessandro Carelli
Session host: Joss Langford
Goal: This session will bring together those that want to create inspiring new services in the MyData ecosystem. It builds on the work of the operators and design thematic groups to create the data using services of the future.
Description: This is an interactive workshop and you are welcome to bring your own service design challenges - you will be able to work on these with our design experts or learn from like-minded others. We will walk through the stages of designing inspiring services in the MyData ecosystem - data flows, interactions and service journeys. It will be a practical, how-to journey that will leave you with design tools for building human-centric design into your human-centric systems for data management.
Level of detail: Mid-level
Demo Lounge
Demo: Formal description of legal document for trustworthy dataflow
Presented by Alain Couillault
Demo: Privacy Controls for Data Flow
Presented by Burak Serdar
Demo: An authenticated story of user control
Social Event
Join us for the unforgettable show with the DJ and visual artist Ray Arkaei.
Arkaei is an audio-visual artist with a passionate drive towards achieving complete technological overkill in his performances - always with a smile 🙂
As the co-founder of Berlin's Sample Music Festival, his mission is to provide a uniquely diverse, international platform for like-minded nerds, fostering organic exchange of knowledge and promoting the exploration of avant-garde methods among digital creatives.
Crossing the Chasm for Privacy Respecting Identity
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Main Stage
Presenters: Nat Sakimura, Sheila Warren
Session host: Kristina Yasuda
Description: The global pandemic forced many of us to migrate to the cyber-continent at unprecedented speed. In that space, our digital identities become our cornerstones for interacting with each other, and we need to keep these safe and secure. What are our options?
In this session, Nat Sakimura shares the potential of alternative identity solutions that take the respect to privacy at its core. Sheila Warren will then walk us through the key challenges and opportunities around adoption to make these solutions scale, and manifest itself as the new normal.
Level of detail: General
Not owned, then what?
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Session Room 16
Presenters: Sara Collins, Rafael Zanatta
Session host: Gaspar Pisanu
Goal: Understanding the different interpretations of ownership across regions and trying to define the best legal framework to allow a data-driven economy while protecting rights holders.
Description: The concept of “data ownership” is being discussed globally. Most civil society organizations, academics and legal practitioners agree that data cannot be owned and that people should always remain in control of their data and that companies and state actors must process as little personal data as needed to provide their products and services. To archive this, we still need to define the legal nature of data in order to understand the legal framework in which data-driven economies can exist while protecting rights holders.
We must consider that a “one-fits-all” global answer might not be possible. Legal tradition and systems, jurisprudence and doctrine vary from one region to another. In this session we invite representatives from different parts of the world to assist and express their vision and understanding about how data can be legally framed according to their understanding of rights and law.
Level of detail: Mid-level
Covid Apps – is Privacy Possible?
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Session Room 17
Presenters: Johannes Ernst, Julian Ranger
Session host: Julian Ranger
Goal: To take real world examples of COVID-19 apps, review their privacy goals and what has and has not been achieved. To discuss lessons learned and how to apply these for Covid apps, and more generally in the future to the developing MyData ecosystem.
Description: Johannes Ernst will present on experiences of a team that has evaluated Covid apps for privacy and finds many failings. Julian Ranger will present on how the MyData approach can give total privacy and uses Consentry as a real-world example. Discussions will cover the lessons learned and how to apply these for Covid apps, and more generally in the future to the developing MyData ecosystem.
Questions will include:
1. Are these lessons generally applicable beyond Covid?
2. What are the key indicators one can assess for privacy applications. Especially when one doesn’t have full access to the underlying code
3. What are the best practices for privacy?
Level of detail: Mid-level
Preparing for the Future: Scenario Planning for Digital Identification
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Session Room 19
Presenters: Arturo Muente-Kunigami, Jamila Venturini
Session host: Arturo Muente-Kunigami
Goal: To raise awareness of the potential role that national identification systems may have in personal data and privacy violations.
Description: National Identification Systems are - to a large extent - necessary conditions to guarantee individual rights and are closely linked to the SDGs. However, their misuse could lead to violations of privacy. We carried out an exercise to reflect on potential future scenarios, identify risks and prepare recommendations aimed at mitigating them. We will present the scenarios and discuss the findings and recommendations.
Level of detail: General
Data Collaboration in the Age of COVID-19
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Session Room 18
Presenters: Claudia Juech, JoAnn Stonier, Kelly Jin, Dave Green
Session host: Stefaan Verhulst
Goal: To consider lessons learned that can enable more systematic, sustainable, and responsible data collaboration.
Description: In the ongoing Covid19 crisis, several data collaborative models have emerged. This session will compare recent experiences; discuss lessons from real-world partnerships and consider whether these efforts have yielded value. In particular we will consider ways to lower the transaction costs involved by professionalizing and systematizing certain roles within both the public and the private sector—such as data stewards.
Level of detail: Mid-level
Demo Lounge
Host: Lucy Yang
Demo: Greater Than Learning
Presented by Nathan Kinch, Mat Mytka
Social Activity
Refresh your body and your spirit at the yoga session during MyData Online 2020 conference!
Relaxing atmosphere and light physical exercise will ground your productivity, creativity and wellbeing. The yoga sessions are suit for beginners and you can enjoy them at your (home) office. All you have to do is to land in the space of social activity room Relax & Move inside the event space at the times indicated in the programme, where yoga instructor Henriikka Konki will lead the audience through the soothing yoga poses.
Scaling the personal data economy
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Main stage
Presenter: Florian Werner, Sari Stenfors
Host: Julian Ranger
Description: Over the past few years we have witnessed regulators tightening data protection laws, consumers becoming increasingly conscious of their data, industries being built around the sharing of specific data sets (e.g., open banking), and start-ups developing platforms to facilitate the exchange of data. But what does it take to scale the personal data ecosystem?
In this session, Florian Werner will discuss about
- How do we engage individuals, and what are the use cases that can attract millions of users?
- What are the right models for a value exchange that allows everyone to benefit?
- And who do we trust to facilitate the ecosystem to bring all of the stakeholders together?
Sari Stenfors will furthermore invite you to a guided journey, using Futures Thinking to envision how different business strategies, policies and actions implemented in the personal data ecosystem can pave the path towards the Desirable Future. Which incentives are needed to create such a future? What kind of leadership and decision-making will be crucial in the years to come?
Interoperability between certifications
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Session Room 1
Presenters: Nat Sakimura, Antti "Jogi" Poikola
Session host: Kristina Yasuda
Goal: This session will explore approaches to ensure that the MyData Operator Award and the certification for Information Bank in Japan are mutually beneficial and work together to refine their respective systems as well as learning about the differences and similarities between MyData Operator and Information Bank in Japan.
This session will also provide hints to government officials and bodies that have a plan to establish their own similar certification system to consider interoperability with MyData Operator and other certifications such as Information Bank in Japan even before they are established.
Description: Information bank in Japan is quite similar to MyData Operator, with the aim of empowering individuals by increasing effective controllability and promoting the use of personal data for not only for business but for individuals and society.
Of course, a global company that deals with personal data and have plan to get both Information Bank certification and MyData Operator Award will have to go through two different procedures. However, there is a concern that the duplication of procedures may lead to the abandonment of one of them or the failure to get the certification/award due to different explanations of similar requirements.
ITrenmei and the MyData Organization discuss whether it is possible to have interoperability between the certification and the award to simplify the process.
Showing the relationship between international standards such as ISO and the certification/award requirements, ITrenmei and MyData Organization will discuss whether it is possible to have interoperability between certifications and awards in order to simplify the process.
Level of detail: Mid-level
Storage or not storage, how a real life MyData public service deals the question.
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Session Room 2
Session host: Sarah Medjek
Presenters: Maria Inés Leal, Nicolas Pernoud, Benjamin André
Goal: Share and inspire other cities to take Mydata standards, technologies, ethics and principles to create a new citizen-institution relationship.
- Show a real My data Public service story and a demo of the services deployed .
- Expand on the Data governance: storage or not storage
- Explain the deployment strategy and how Lyon Metropole promotes the developpment of a local My Data ecosystem
Description: Lyon Metropole is pursuing the My data innovative paradigm that empowers individuals to access and manage their personal data. By definition, a public actor has no other interests than the common good and general interest. This is why Lyon Métropole provides My Data as a public service and encourages a local ecosystem to develop and promote these values.
Indeed, after a successful experiment from 2016 to 2018 driven by the FING, Lyon Metropole strives to design MyData centered services as close as possible to the citizens needs :
- Ecolyo, an app that allows you to visualize you gaz, water and electricity consumption in order to trim your bills, using challenges and gamification to involve users.
- Pilote: mon suivi MDM : a dashboard to follow administrative tasks in a social context, a space where the user can gather his personal data in order to make administrative paperwork easier.
Through this session, Lyon Metropole and Cozy Cloud will share key questions of how to implement My data as a public service :
- Storage or not storage: Data governance
- Real case studies
- New economic models
- A strategy to develop a My data ecosystem
There will be open discussions, practical examples and hopefully some answers.
Level of detail: Mid-level
Tailoring ethical learning technology
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Session Room 3
Presenters: Minna Väsarainen, Tanja Välisalo, Juri Mets, Merja Bauters
Session host: Jana Pejoska
Goal: The main goal of this session is to identify the needs and opportunities for a digital learner through the perspectives and experiences learned from data activism in practice. We'll facilitate a discussion around these topics with directions such as for instance:
What do you expect from online learning environments in terms of using user data?
How to use data design to learn form the users to support their learning activities?
After the session, the ideal outcome would be to have concrete acts and actions that we can implement as researchers in design for learning technology as well as for creating guidelines for best practice.
In addition, we hope that this session brings together similar minded people that can establish connections for future actions.
Description: Our whole aim is to improve our understanding about the learning technology context and the ways in which the learners relate to their data and how they would like to use it. We'd like to discuss these issues in a posthuman approach, or a more than human- centric approach which is inclusive and forward-thinking. We map this discussion in between the Mydata ecosystems and infrastructure operators and Mydata design choices. This story will be identified together with the participants. For an active engagement we will use a fishbowl method, where the participants will be given opportunities for a rich and ad-hoc group discussion. Particular questions of interest will be also sent out through Mentimeter, an engaging and fun tool for collecting and presenting the participants' input in real-time. In addition, for the once who need to discuss in pairs or smaller groups, we will encourage using brake-out rooms.
Level of detail: Mid-level
Info Event – NGI DAPSI, Data Portability Innovations
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Info event
Presenters: To be announced soon
Session host: Miguel Gonçalves (F6S)
Goal: Meet some of the brightest and innovative data portability projects in Europe, being supported by the DAPSI programme. The stage will be shared by innovators developing solutions for the Next Generation Internet – an internet of humans.
Social Activity
Refresh your body and your spirit at the yoga session during MyData Online 2020 conference!
Relaxing atmosphere and light physical exercise will ground your productivity, creativity and wellbeing. The yoga sessions are suit for beginners and you can enjoy them at your (home) office. All you have to do is to land in the space of social activity room Relax & Move inside the event space at the times indicated in the programme, where yoga instructor Henriikka Konki will lead the audience through the soothing yoga poses.
From Strategy to Practice – Data Intermediaries in the EU
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Session Room 5
Presenters: Malte Beyer Katzenberger - EU Commission, Dr. Arianna Rossi, - SnT, University of Luxembourg, Prof. Max von Grafenstein - University of the Arts (UdK), Berlin, Marco Mellia - Researcher at Politecnico di Torino (PIMCity Main research), Nikolaos Laoutaris - Research Professor at IMDEA Networks Institute in Madrid
Session host: Zohar Efroni
Goal: Highlight key elements of MyData Operators and aspects of the EU Data Strategy for making such models realistic. To investigate the alignment of the Strategy and its Action Steps with theoretical models and spur a discourse about the necessary steps for creating legal, technological and market conditions to support the emergence of data intermediaries in practice.
Description: The session focuses on current challenges to making trusted data intermediaries a reality in terms of scalability, functionality and adoption. A short introductory statement by the host (Zohar Efroni) will be followed by five short presentations, all of which illuminate various aspects of trusted intermediaries and PIMS. The presentations will discuss the EU Data Strategy and the novel Data Governance Act, highlight technical and legal challenges of implementable PIMS and consent tools, and touch upon user interface perspectives, legal design, and trust issues.
Level of detail: Mid-level
MyData Principles in IoT
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Session Room 6
Presenters: Freyja Van den Boom, Jakub Klodwig, John Izaguirre, Gloria Wu, Joss Langford
Session host: Joss Langford
- help people realize that data produced by wearable devices may significantly improve whole sectors of services but pose risks to privacy protection, and also security of data subjects;
- discuss the legal limits of personal data processing and the need for a higher standard protecting privacy;
- raise awareness about people’s rights as personal data subjects and possible actions they could take;
- present a new emerging solution at the intersection of digital identity for the automobile industry built with blockchain technology;
- highlight problems of exchange big data masses between cars, IoT devices, and people networks.
Description: Session will focus on data generating through use of wearable electronics, connected cars and other connected devices, which interact and communicate with each other. We would like to spread discussion on how to govern such data in a way that balances the interest for privacy with the interest for innovation in a regime which focuses less on individual consent and more on the regulation of permissible and prohibited uses of personal data, protecting individuals.
Level of detail: Mid-level
UX Blueprint: Design the MyData Operator
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Session Room 7
Presenters: Koen Evers, Peter Eikelboom, Marlies Rikken, Liesbeth Hijink, Mike Alders
Session host: Marie-José Hoefmans
Goal: A common understanding and alignment of the User Experience (UX) of a MyDataOperator: user-flow, functions, screens and interactions. Output of de session is the start of an online community with a common UX Library with best UX-practices and design-components for MyDataOperator designers & builders.
Description: The goal of MyData is to enable users to have control again over their own personal data. Control means the ability to share data with consent for a specific reason and for a specific period. Users should always have an overview over all their data and an overview over what data they have disclosed to what parties, for what reason and what period. And they should be able to withdraw that disclosure. The enabler of this control is the MyData Operator. There is a lot off discussion and thinking about the technical solution of the MyData Operator. There is less thinking about the User Experience of the MyData Operator. While the UX is as important for the user adoption and interoperability of the MyData Operator. Only an easy to use MyData Operator will be adopted in society and used in business. Therefor it is important to work on a UX-blueprint next to a Technical-blueprint.
Level of detail: Mid-level
MyData and Urban AI
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Session Room 4
Session host: Johanna Ylipulli, Aale Luusua, Ansgar Koene, Giles Lane
Presenters: Kalle Juuti, Kristiina Korjonen-Kuusipuro, Päivi Penkkala, Pasi Rautio, Emilia Rönkkö, Valia Wistuba (City of Espoo)
Goal: The goal is to identify central ethical challenges of processing urban citizen data with AI technologies from a human-centric perspective. To foster solution-oriented viewpoints, a demo of the UnBias AI toolkit will further inspire our conversation.
Description: The session focuses on the ethical issues pertaining to processing urban citizen data with AI technologies, especially in the Finnish context, where Cities hold large amounts of data on their inhabitants. We introduce an array of perspectives from experts from city organizations, research and industry. The session also presents the UnBias AI for Decision Makers toolkit, designed to help organizations explore how AI systems align with their ethos through a critical systems thinking approach.
Level of detail: Mid-level
Demo Lounge: MyData, AI & Climate Change
Demo: MyData, AI & Climate Change
Presented by Oguzhan Gencoglu
Demo: - Your humanitarian network to bring education around the world
Presented by Ralf Hamm
Demo: Evolving trust in data sharing
Presented by Risto Kaikkonen
Social Event
Enjoy the partner booths and Gardens!
These organisations are the industry shakers and makers that are pioneering in human-centric data economy. So go to the partner booths for more quality content and fantastic people.
Thank you for making the MyData Online 2020 Conference happen!

Data as a competitive advantage and control mechanism in the platform economy
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Main stage
Presenters: Sangeet Paul Choudary, Molly Schwartz
Session host: Riikka Kämppi
Description: Data is the most valuable asset in today's economic landscape. Data enables orchestration of market interactions as well as creation of learning assets that can transform organizational processes and firm competitiveness. Yet, data is harvested from individual labor and serves as a control mechanism over the very individual users and workers who produce it. Data is also increasingly a geopolitical tool, harvested from data-laggard countries and concentrating value with countries with strong AI prowess.
In this session, Molly Schwartz will chat with Sangeet Paul Choudary - best-selling author of Platform Revolution and Platform Scale and founder of Platformation Labs - unpacks the ethics and economics of data. Drawing on rich experience ranging from Sangeet's board-level advisory at Fortune 500 firms to his research experience with the ILO's Future of Work Commission and the Brookings Institution, this chat will identify the various considerations that emerge around data in the platform economy.
Level of detail: Mid-level
Mobility as a Service: approach towards Mobility Data Spaces
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Session Room 11
Presenters: Pieter Colpaert, Gabriel Plassat, Raf Buylle, Piia Karjalainen, Paul Theyskens
Session host: Piia Karjalainen, Paul Theyskens
Goal: To show the importance of personal data sharing in the Mobility market and how it can realise sustainable Mobility through citizen centric design and experimentation
Share lessons learned and discuss potential MVP's in a workshop.
Description: Over the past few years we have witnessed a lot of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) initiatives and increased awareness that MyData personal data sharing services will be an important enabler of sustainable mobility of the future.
In this session we will have discussions on this topic:
- share lessons learned in the Mobility sector
- show the ongoing projects in France and Belgium
- a workshop to discuss potential MVP projects in MaaS using MyData
Level of detail: Mid-level
Empowering Citizens: MyData for Public Services
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Session Room 8
Presenters: Mieke van Schaik, Sven Pletinckx, Martin Brynskov, Hanna Niemi-Hugaerts
Session host: Lea Hemetsberger
Goal: The session will encourage a debate about the role of cities sharing personal data. Insights from the roundtable will enrich the OASC working group on Personal Data Management. A follow-up will take place at CITYxCITY Festival on 13-14 Jan 2021.
Description: Managing personal data can improve public services and enable a seamless experience for citizens. But for this to happen, several challenges need to be resolved. This roundtable will address the following:
- How can public authorities move from fear of sharing data to managing data with confidence?
- How can public authorities enable citizens to be in charge of their data?
- How can smaller communities keep up?
- How can minimal technical specifications facilitate sharing data based on MyData principles?
Level of detail: Mid-level
SSI in Action: Real-World Use Cases
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Session Room 10
Presenters: André Kudra, Claudia Maria Grytz, Adrian Doerk
Session host: André Kudra
Goal: We will share our experiences in getting SSI up and running and will invite others to tell the audience how they overcame organizational and technical challenges. We hope to generate new and creative ideas on new SSI use cases.
Description: We are going to showcase a few real-world SSI use cases based on the esatus SSI solution suite SeLF and Lissi. We will share insights into challenges faced during implementation phase in a corporate or institutional setting, summarize the outcomes and touch upon the way forward. Finally, everyone will be invited to take an active part in the session, giving their feedback and presenting their own SSI use cases to the audience
Level of detail: Detailed
Finding valid operator business models
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Session Room 9
Presenters: Marlies Rikken, Marie-Jose Hoefmans, Lal Chandran, Isabelle de Zegher and Julian Ranger
Session host: Wil Janssen
Goal: The workshop will identify the currently known business models and we will work on other viable business models using through a business model card game.
Level of detail: Detailed
Info event: Funding Innovation through The Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative
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Info event
Session Host & Presenter: David Seoane
Goal: Present an overview of the available funding opportunities provided by the Next Generation Internet initiative through open calls. This initiative aim at funding the next Internet researchers and innovators to address technological opportunities around the following areas: privacy and trust, search and discovery, decentralised architectures, blockchain, Internet of Things, social media, interactive technologies, as well as technologies supporting multilingualism and accessibility.
Description: The session will provide an overview of current and future open calls provided by the initiative, that are managed through the cascade funding mechanism under the Horizon 2020 programme. This mechanism consists of an agile and simple process where the funding is distributed through ongoing NGI Research and Innovation Actions (RIAs) that provide support to projects from outstanding academic researchers, hi-tech startups and SMEs.
Funding is allocated to projects using short research cycles targeting the most promising ideas. Each of the selected projects pursue their own objectives, while the NGI RIAs provide the programme logic and vision, technical support, coaching and mentoring, to ensure that projects contribute towards a significant advancement of research and innovation in the NGI initiative.
The focus is on advanced concepts and technologies that link to relevant use cases and that can have an impact on the market and society over all. Applications and services that innovate without a research component are not covered by this model.
Social Activity
Walking breaks during MyData Online 2020 conference are designed to encourage you to get up from your chair and MOVE.
The walking session will be facilitated.
Building Inclusive Digital Cities
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Session Room 15
Presenters: Joanna van der Merwe, Johannes Mikkonen, Hannah Wood
Session host: Joanna van der Merwe
Goal: We aim to inform how smart cities should intentionally benefit citizens, as well as protect them from inherent risks associated with data-driven public private partnerships. We will explore how smart city partnerships could use technologies to strengthen people’s rights.
Description: The session will focus on emerging data-driven public private partnerships and their associated risks and challenges. In particular, we will discuss how smart cities face some of these significant challenges, such as the difficulty in creating human-centered decisions when integrating technology. After presenting our current solutions to these challenges, we will break out into interactive groups to brainstorm and develop additional solutions for these most pressing challenges related to partnerships and fair data usage.
Level of detail: General
Building the human-centric european skills data space
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Session Room 14
Presenters: Anu Passi-Rauste (HeadAI), Antti Jogi Poikola (MyData), Mika Huhtamaki (Vastuu Group)
Session host: Matthias De Bièvre
Goal: The skillsdata MyData thematic group ( is uniting skillsdata stakeholders and ecosystems around Europe to define requirements and the governance of the skills data space. It aims to organize a consortium for the EC skills data space calls in Q1 2021. During the conference the Thematic Group will run workshops to engage and iterate on its skills data space propositions.
Level of detail: Detailed
MyData Operators – a view from LatAm
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Session Room 12
Presenters: Hudson Barbosa (LGPDNow); Kathrine Reilly (Son mis datos); Rodrigo Irrarazaval (Wibson); João Gasparino (Dados legais); Arturo Muente Kunigami (InterAmerican Development Bank), Miguel Morachimo
Session host: Nicolo Zingales
Goal: This session discusses promises and challenges in Latin America for third-party agents (also known as "infomediaries") who handle requests submitted by data subjects pursuant to data protection law.
Description: Data protection law grants individuals a number of rights in relation to their personal data and corresponding duties for “data controllers”. As demonstrated by empirical research, effectiveness of these rights is affected by the diversity of implementation procedures adopted in the industry. This panel discusses some of the problems and zoom in a few key hurdles, such as the format of data responses, the identification of requesters, the codification of exceptions and limitations to responses.
Level of detail: Mid-level
Personal Data Store Inter-Operability
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Session Room 1
Presenters: Christoph Fabianek, Chris Lee, Harri Honko, Salman Farmanfarmaian, Tom Haegemans, Jeongwook Hwang, Mehdi Medjaoui
Session host: Joss Langford
Goal: Focused on application development, but open to a wider audience, this session will explore how personal servers and datastores (PDSs) can interoperate, and how PDS interoperability relates to other initiatives based on MyData principles.
Description: We want to live in a world where we each have our own Personal Data Stores (PDSs), that can hold our own personal data, communicate with third party apps, and with each other. The Common Endpoints for Personal data-Stores and servers (CEPS) starts to define this interoperability, by allowing 3rd party applications to be written once to work with any PDS. The session explores CEPS and its applications, in relation to ‘interoperability’ as it is implemented across geographies and domains.
Level of detail: Mid-level
Demo Lounge
Hosted by Teemu Ropponen
Demo: SeLF & esatus Wallet by esatus AG
Presented by Christopher Hempel
Demo: Swash: Monetise your surfing data with the Swash browser extension
Presented by Chloe Diamond
Demo: PPP in action: Finnish Tax and Company MyData experiment
Presented by
Miika Wires, Finnish Tax Administration
Pirkka Frosti, Digital Living International
Joonatan Henriksson, Nixu Cybersecurity
Social Event
Perform or join as the cheering audience!
Unlocking the Potential of Interoperability
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Main stage
Presenters: Anil John, Matt Prewitt, James Felton Keith
Host: Marlene Ronstedt
Description: In this session, Anil John provides an overview of the work that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Silicon Valley Innovation Program is currently working on to ensure the availability of a global, competitive ecosystem of solution providers that are interoperable via W3C standards and specifications such as Verifiable Credentials and Decentralized Identifiers. The presentation will cover both the R&D work that was conducted as well as the specific supply chain and digital identity problem sets that are being addressed via this approach.
The keynote presentation will follow with a panel discussion with Matt Prewitt and James Felton Keith on the main question how do we incentivise a competitive ecosystem? The panelists will explore topics around interoperability, new data governance forms such as Data Unions and trusts, as well as new privacy related policy in the US. Afterall, what happens under Biden?
Level of detail: General
Connecting the Dots on Health Data Sharing
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Session Room 19
Session host: Moira Schieke
Presenters: Linda Van Horn, Leslie Kelly Hall, Jim St.Clair, Hernando Giraldo
Goal: During this session, our panelists will present short talks and discuss their perspectives on best strategies to generate ecosystem collaborations for patient-centric international health data sharing, with an emphasis on enabling technologies.
Description: International health data sharing has been thrust into the spotlight with the recent pandemic as a critical-need public health initiative. Many leading organizations such as the United Nations and UNESCO, the National Academy of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health in the United States, and the European Union have issued recent reports or statements to promote health data sharing. New laws such as Europe’s GDPR create a legal impetus for health data sharing that protects the rights of each patient to control their own personal health data. However, the majority of health data sharing in the world is not subject to similar regulations. Further, while state-of-the-art decentralised key management and semantic technologies will pave the way for data sharing that protects patients’ ability to control their data, many barriers exist to adoption.
The current international landscape for data sharing thus reflects a complex patchwork of ethical, technical, and business standards and stakeholder incentives. A full grasp of this complexity requires the input of a broad range of domain expertise across clinical medicine, translational research, and public health, as well as technology. Given this complexity, how can we best promote international patient-centric health data sharing in keeping with MyData principles?
Level of detail: Mid-level
MyData Governance Interoperability Landscape
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Session Room 16
Presenters: Matthias De Bievre, Nat Sakimura, Joni Brennon, Harshvardahn Pandit, Paul Knowles, Antti "Jogi" Poikola, Sal D’Agostino
Session host: Mark Lizar
Goal: Co-developing a shared landscaping, covering the latest discussions in Data Governance, Standards and MyData Operators.
Description: Data Governance & Interoperability are overarching themes at MyData, this session pulls together data governance threads from MyData Operator to the Consent Receipt covering new standards (ISO/IEC 29184 Online Notice & Consent) and identity governance frameworks (Pan-Canadian Trust Framework).
Level of detail: Detailed
Sustainable Self-Sovereign Agents
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Session Room 17
Presenters: Adrian Gropper, Kaliya Young, Viivi Lähteenoja, Alexis Hancock, Samantha Mathews, Olivier Dion
Session host: Chris Lee
Goal: Human agency is enhanced when a Person can substitute a fiduciary Operator with a self-sovereign Operator without the Data Sources or the Data Processors being asked. Substitutability implies standards. We will clarify MyData’s role in standards.
Description: Choice of agent or Operator empowers people and communities to face data sources and data using services. When service providers respect individuals’ choices without room for discrimination or censorship the system becomes more ethical. Education and pandemic response narratives will frame the problem. We then review differences between self-sovereign and fiduciary agents in terms of finance and sustainability. Finally, we discuss the relationship of standards to policy in the MyData context.
Level of detail: Mid-level
Firesidechat with MIT Media Lab’s Professor Alex "Sandy" Pentland
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Session Room 18
Presenters: Alex "Sandy" Pentland
Session host: Shiv Malik
Goal: The session's goal is to understand the business opportunities behind new forms of data governance such as trusts and data unions.
Description: Prof. Sandy Pentland has been an MIT Professor since '86 and was this year’s Lifetime Achievement Award winner at the MIT AI Conference. During this 60 minute long fireside chat between Professor Pentland and Streamr's Shiv Malik we will take a deep dive into Pentland's research on new data governance models, such as Data Unions.
Level of detail: Mid-level
BLTS Perspectives:
Demo Lounge
Demo: Backing up Line mobile messages to PDS
Presented by Yo Ishiguro, Yasufumi Tochiori, Dixon Siu
Demo: Nobism - Community research on Cluster Headaches
Presented by Rogier Koning
Demo: Project Lockdown: Monitoring H & D Rights & NextGen Programmers: 3 guiding principles
Social Event
Join us for the unforgettable show with the DJ and visual artist Ray Arkaei.
Arkaei is an audio-visual artist with a passionate drive towards achieving complete technological overkill in his performances – always with a smile 🙂
“MyData in context” - how does MyData fit within the wider contextual changes and challenges
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Main stage
Presenters: Jeni Tennison, Masahiro Hanatani, Ilona Kivimäki
Session host: Chris Lee
Level of detail: General
BLTS Perspectives:
Functional cities, cases from Helsinki high schools
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Session Room 1
Presenters: Anna Rantapero-Laine, Jukka Lehtoranta, Petri Tuomela
Session host: Mikko Sierla
Goal: The main goal of this session is to demonstrate and elaborate on a study conducted by the city of Helsinki about MyData in the high school. For this session the focus is on youth, the future decision makers who have been interviewed on how they would utilize personal data.
Description: The city of Helsinki has been leading the efforts of utilizing personal data for the benefit of the citizens. In this session we are introducing the research findings and innovation needs that came out from the Helsinki high school students and the upcoming opportunity within Helsinki Educational Hub. We also elaborate on the learner’s journey into world and how learning and working go hand in hand.
- What high school students know about MyData
- What electronic services they use
- How they react to the use of data
Level of detail: General
BLTS Perspectives:
Leveraging the Streamr Stack: how to build a Data Union
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Session Room 2
Session host: Matthew Fontana
Presenters: Matthew Fontana
Goal: Attendees will be taught how to build their own Data Union or integrate existing Data Operator applications with Streamr's Data Union framework.
Description: Streamr's P2P network provides open-source infrastructure for new modes of data governance. During this workshop Streamr's Head of Developer Relations, Matthew Fontana, will explain how fellow projects in the Data Operator space can utilise Streamr's Data Union framework.
Level of detail: Detailed
BLTS Perspectives:
Social Activity
Walking breaks during MyData Online 2020 conference are designed to encourage you to get up from your chair and MOVE.
The walking session will be facilitated.
Closing Plenary: We're in this together
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Main stage
Presenter: Anouk Ruhaak
Session host: Antti "Jogi" Poikola
Description: Should the decision to have your data collected just be yours? Or should I get a say as well?
In this session, Anouk Ruhaak will explain how the impact of data extraction extends beyond the individual and why we need alternative data governance models that allow us to collectively make decisions about our data and reverse persistent power imbalances.
Level of detail: General
BLTS Perspectives:
Social Event
Don't miss the Grand Finale MyData Online 2020 - a concert live from Portugal!
Portuguese singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Marta Duarte d’Almeida calls the world her musical home. Her astonishing instrumentalism and charismatic voice take her audiences into a magical world of jazzy swing and Portuguese folk, and storytelling filled with energy and emotions.
Her singularity as a guitar player can be seen in her intuition and in her technique, and her singing purpose is revealed in every note that echoes from her guitar”. Media de Rock and Açoriano Oriental, 2019
At MyData Online 2020 Marta will play the songs of good, positive vibe to bring us joy and to close the 2020 on a good note.
Plenary: Designing the new normal: India StackSiddharth Shetty, Kaliya Young, Jonathan Kempe05:00 - 06:15
MyData movement in Digital Global SouthCharlie Martial Ngounou, Jamile Hamideh, Joe Kim, Kristina Yasuda, Pyrou Chung, Sherry Chung, Srinivas Kodali, Thy Try06:45 - 08:15
Aligning National Initiatives Across BordersByungkon Kim, Soonho Jang, Eunjin Koo, Miri Ko, Chris Lee06:45 - 08:15
Info Event: NGI Funding: A sustainable internet for a greener data economyNGI08:15 - 08:45
Social Activity: YogaYoga08:15 - 08:45
Data stewardship for people and societyValentina Pavel, Astha Kapoor, Kasia Odrozek, Jessica Montgomery, Miranda Wolpert08:45 - 10:15
Future of data sovereigntyČrt Ahlin, Gregor Žavcer, Mariane ter Veen, Viktor Tron, Joel Thorstensson, Vero Estrada-Galinanes08:45 - 10:15
Climate Crisis & Commons InfrastructureThomas Zeinzinger, Joachim Lohkamp, Irene Hernández08:45 - 10:15
MyData Strategy of Global EnterprisesJyrki Suokas, Alex David, Ilona Ylinampa, Junseok Kang, Pascal Huijbers08:45 - 10:15
Demo Lounge10:30 - 11:30
Social Event: Virtual ExhibitionVirtual Exhibition on Misinformation10:30 - 11:30
Plenary: Stories We Tell About DataPrimavera de Filippi, Catherine D'Ignazio, Jaana Sinipuro13:00 - 14:15
Making Data Literacy Happen!Gülşen Güler, Claudia Maria Grytz, Christoph Fabianek, Andre Kudra, Benoit Loeillet14:45 - 16:15
Evolving trust in data sharingCarina Dantas, Karolina Mackiewicz, Carina Dantas, Veli Stroetman, Zoi Kolitsi, Diogo Martins, Tino Marti, Christiane Grunloh, Isabelle de Zegher, Bogi Eliasen14:45 - 16:15
Business <3 MyData – Fair Data Criteria as a Tool for Competitiveness and TrustJaana Sinipuro, Jyrki Suokas & panelists (TBA)14:45 - 16:15
Broken: Realigning the Business of Personal DataGAM DIAS, Pekka Nikander, Celine Takatsuno, Sergio Maldonado14:45 - 16:15
Info Event: NGI DAPSI FundingNGI16:15 - 16:45
Social Activity: Walking meetingWalking meeting16:15 - 16:45
Why is all data not created equal?Viivi Lähteenoja, Sepinoud Azimi Rashti16:45 - 18:15
Understanding the Origins of IdentityKaliya Young, Mawaki Chango, Jamile Hamideh, Kaye Maree16:45 - 18:15
Approach to quality data in pandemicsIain Henderson, Crt Ahlin, Isabelle de Zegher, Davide Calvi, Adrian Gropper16:45 - 18:15
This is MyData service designAme Elliott, Alessandro Carelli, Joss Langford16:45 - 18:15
Demo Lounge18:30 - 19:30
Social Event: Live Music with the DJ18:30 - 19:30
Plenary: Crossing the Chasm for Privacy Respecting IdentityNat Sakimura, Sheila Warren, Kristina Yasuda21:00 - 22:15
Not owned, then what?Sara Collins, Rafael Zanatta, Gaspar Pisanu22:45 - 00:15
COVID-19 Apps - Is Privacy Possible?Julian Ranger, Johannes Ernst22:45 - 00:15
Preparing for the Future: Scenario Planning for Digital IdentificationArturo Muente-Kunigami, Jamila Venturini22:45 - 00:15
Data Collaboration in the Age of COVID-19Claudia Juech, JoAnn Stonier, Kelly Jin, Dave Green, Stefaan Verhulst22:45 - 00:15
Demo Lounge00:30 - 01:30
Social Activity: Yoga00:30 - 01:30
Plenary: Scaling the personal data economyFlorian Werner, Sari Stenfors, Julian Ranger05:00 - 06:15
Interoperability between certificationsNat Sakimura, Antti "Jogi" Poikola06:45 - 08:15
Storage or not storage, how a real life MyData public service deals the question.Maria Inés Leal, Nicolas Pernoud, Benjamin André, Sarah Medjek06:45 - 08:15
Tailoring ethical learning technologyJana Pejoska, Minna Väsarainen, Tanja Välisalo, Juri Mets, Merja Bauters06:45 - 08:15
Info Event: NGI DAPSI, Data Portability InnovationsNGI08:15 - 08:45
Social Activity: YogaRelax & Move08:15 - 08:45
From Strategy to Practice – Data Intermediaries in the EUZohar Efroni, Nikolaos Laoutaris, Dr. Arianna, Rossi, Max von Grafenstein, Marco Melia, Yvo Volman,08:45 - 10:15
MyData Principles in IoTFreyja Van den Boom, Jakub Klodwig, John Izaguirre, Gloria Wu, Joss Langford08:45 - 10:15
UX Blueprint: Design the MyData OperatorMarie-José Hoefmans, Koen Evers, Peter Eikelboom, Marlies Rikken, Liesbeth Hijink08:45 - 10:15
MyData and Urban AIJohanna Ylipulli, Aale Luusua, Ansgar Koene, Giles Lane, Kalle Juuti, Kristiina Korjonen-Kuusipuro, Päivi Penkkala, Pasi Rautio08:45 - 10:15
Demo Lounge10:30 - 11:30
Social Event: Enjoy the partner booths and Gardens!Connect & Have a Good Time Together10:30 - 11:30
Plenary: Data as a competitive advantage and control mechanism in the platform economySangeet Paul Choudary13:00 - 14:15
Mobility as a Service: How to co-create to enable a sustainable futureGabriel Plassat, Pieter Colpaert, Raf Buyle, Paul Theyskens Piia Karjalainen14:45 - 16:15
Empowering Citizens: MyData for Public ServicesLea Hemetsberger, John Lynch14:45 - 16:15
SSI in Action: Real-World Use CasesAndré Kudra, Claudia Maria Grytz, Adrian Doerk14:45 - 16:15
Finding valid operator business modelsWil Janssen, Marlies Rikken14:45 - 16:15
Info Event: Funding Innovation through The Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiativeNGI16:15 - 16:45
Social Activity: Walking meeting16:15 - 16:45
Building Inclusive Digital CitiesJoanna van der Merwe, Johannes Mikkonen, Hannah Wood16:45 - 18:15
Building the human-centric european skills data spaceMatthias De Bièvre, Anu Passi-Rauste, Antti Jogi Poikola, Mika Huhtamaki16:45 - 18:15
MyData Operators – a view from LatAmNicolo Zingales, Hudson Barbosa, Kathrine Reilly; Rodrigo Irrarazaval; João Gasparino16:45 - 18:15
Personal Data Store Inter-OperabilityChristoph Fabianek, Chris Lee, Harri Honko, Salman Farmanfarmaian, Tom Haegemans, Ronnie Falcon, Dixon Siu16:45 - 18:15
Demo Lounge18:30 - 19:30
Social Event: Speech KaraokeConnect & Have a Good Time Together18:30 - 19:30
Plenary: Unlocking the Potential of InteroperabilityAnil John, Matt Prewitt, James Felton Keith, Marlene Ronstedt21:00 - 22:15
Connecting the Dots on Health Data SharingMoira Schieke, Linda Van Horn, Leslie Kelly Hall, Jim St.Clair, Hernando Giraldo22:45 - 00:15
MyData Governance Interoperability LandscapeMatthais De Biever, Nat Sakimura, Joni Brennon, Harshvardahn Pandit, Paul Knowles, Antti Poikola22:45 - 00:15
Sustainable Self-Sovereign AgentsAdrian Gropper, Chris Lee, Kim Hamilton Duffy, Philip Sheldrake, Kaliya Young, Viivi Lähteenoja. Chris Lee22:45 - 00:15
Firesidechat with MIT Media Lab’s Professor Alex "Sandy" PentlandAlex "Sandy" Pentland, Shiv Malik22:45 - 23:45
Demo Lounge00:30 - 01:30
Social Event: Club Night with the DJ00:30 - 01:30
Plenary: “MyData in context” - how does MyData fit within the wider contextual changes and challengesJeni Tennison, Masahiro Hanatani, Ilona Kivimäki, Chris Lee13:00 - 14:15
Open SpaceThe beating heart of the conference, where YOU create the content!14:45 - 18:15
Functional cities, cases from Helsinki high schoolsAnna Rantapero-Laine, Kaisa Honkonen, Petri Tuomela, Mikko Sierla14:45 - 15:45
Leveraging the Streamr Stack: how to build a Data UnionMatthew Fontana16:00 - 17:00
Social Activity: Walking meeting18:15 - 18:45
Closing Plenary: We're in this togetherAnouk Ruhaak18:45 - 20:00
Social Event – Grand Finale with Live MusicLive concert from Portugal!20:00 - 21:00
During the 3 days of conference, we had a chance to:
- Hear from world-leading experts during 8 plenary sessions sharing light on topics like purpose-driven data use, scaling personal data economy, data governance, standardisation & interoperability, among others
- Listen and discuss with personal data professionals during 36 breakout sessions, that elevate questions around MyData in the context of Cities, Internet of Things, education as well as climate crisis; human-centric governance; MyData Operators, it’s journey towards interoperability, and business models, Digital Identity, Data Sovereignty and others.
- See exciting demos during 6 demo lounge sessions,
- Spend quality time during the networking breaks and at social events,
- And bring up topics and questions for discussion and collaboration in Open Space.
How the programme was built
MyData Online 2020 Conference programme is organised by MyData Global together with the members of the MyData community, a diverse group of experts active in the personal data ecosystem, all driven to address challenges and opportunities around the current state of personal data management.
The team is focused on designing the overall structure and processes of the programme and take extra care of the invited contributions from the world’s leading experts.
The main programme of the conference is the content submitted through the Call for Proposals, which was open from 30 July to 6 September.
Check out the full timeline below.
The key novelty this year compared to previous MyData conferences is that submitters were asked to design and propose a full session or series of sessions for the conference.
In addition to the centrally and community-curated programme, the conference also includes a demo lounge to showcase unique services or tech solutions to the audience around the world.
Furthermore, we make sure the conference will not only benefit the participants professionally, but will be as fun and social as it would be at a physical event.
Check the details about the social events here.