Valentina Pavel

Legal researcher, Ada Lovelace Institute

Valentina is a Legal Researcher at the Ada Lovelace Institute, a UK based independent research and deliberative body with a mission to ensure data and AI work for people and society . Valentina’s main focus is the Rethinking Data programme, a project designed to change the data governance ecosystem by transforming how we talk about data through our narratives, developing people-centred data practice, and envisioning a positive vision for the future of data regulation.

She is a former Mozilla Fellow at Privacy International where she developed the Our Data Future project and she previously worked as a digital rights policy advisor with ApTI Romania, member of the European Digital Rights (EDRi) network.

During last year’s My Data conference, I co-organized a Data Futures workshop and shared thoughts on data ownership in an expert panel. Come talk to me about the future of data regulation!

Rethinking Data programme:

Exploring principles for data stewardship: a case study analysis:

List of data stewardship case studies:

Valentina Pavel can be seen in:

Data stewardship for people and society Session Room 4
08:45-10:15 UTC+0 | Thursday 10 Dec