Lucy Yang

Co-Chair, COVID-19 Credentials Initiative

Lucy is an entrepreneurial and resourceful business professional experienced in taking ventures off the ground and leading operational growth. Venturing into the identity and data privacy space through her last company in 2019, Lucy has been leveraging her business expertise in leading and supporting multiple communities while learning rapidly about the ins-and-outs of data rights and protection. She is the co-chair of the COVID-19 Credentials Initiative (CCI), a global community advancing the adoption of privacy-preserving verifiable credentials for COVID-19.

Lucy joined MyData Global in mid-2020 and soon co-founded MyData Canada Hub with a few other Canadian members. Very recently, she contributed to the first major project of the Hub: responding to Ontario’s consultation for its privacy law reform. Lucy is also a member of the Trust over IP Foundation and the Decentralized Identity Foundation.

Outside the identity and privacy communities, Lucy is a business partner at a Canadian payment startup and is also working to launch a Venture Fund for underestimated founders.

Lucy obtained her MBA from the University of Toronto and had a Master’s Degree in Anthropology from China.