Nora Lindström is the Global Lead for Digital Development at Plan International, where she promotes the responsible use of technology and digital tools for advancing children’s rights and equality for girls. Nora is passionate about bridging the digital gender divide, and getting more girls and women to access, use, and create digital technology. She is an Equality Tech advocate, and actively speaks, blogs, and tweets about feminism and technology (@NoraLindstroem, as well as on LinkedIn). Nora is also a member of the Advisory Council for the Principles for Digital Development, which is convened under the Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL). Her previous experience includes working on urban land rights in Cambodia and Malawi, and migrant rights in Finland. Nora holds an MA in Economics-International Relations from the University of St Andrews, and an MSc in Development Studies from the School of Oriental and African Studies. She is based in Helsinki, Finland.

Nora Lindström
Plan International, Global Lead for Digital Development