Lea Hemetsberger

Project Manager, Open & Agile Smart Cities

Lea is working at OASC as Communications & Project Manager since 2017. As part of her job, she works with a community of 156 cities worldwide.

Since 2019, she coordinates the pilot deployment of the DUET Digital Twin project in Athens, Pilsen and Flanders. Lea is also responsible for OASC communications and the organisation of the annual CITYxCITY Festival.

Lea is a trained journalist with in-depth knowledge of ICT, sustainable mobility and smart cities. Before joining OASC, she has worked as a communicator in the car industry and for Brussels-based not-for-profit organisations.

Lea Hemetsberger can be seen in:

Empowering Citizens: MyData for Public S... Session Room 8
14:45-16:15 UTC+0 | Friday 11 Dec