- Do I have to register for MyData Online 2020 Conference?
Yes. All participants of MyData Online 2020 need to register by buying the ticket at online2020.mydata.org/tickets
- Many online events are for free. Why do you charge for the registration to MyData Online 2020?
MyData Online 2020 is a three-day conference that offers a high-quality programme, networking opportunities and social interaction.
The costs of running the conference of this kind are similar to the costs of the onsite conference. The interactive online platform (virtual venue, Qiqo in the case of MyData Online 2020) comes with the cost, as does the production and all preparations.
The whole team of MyData Global and many subcontractors have been engaged in the organisation since June 2020. Please note that the tickets are considerably cheaper than those of the onsite conference (at least 50%).
- Where do I get the tickets to MyData Online 2020?
You can get the ticket from the Conference website online2020.mydata.org/tickets.
- What’s the difference between “business” and “discounted” tickets?
The business tickets are for companies or other for-profit organisations.
Discounted prices are available for startups, nonprofits, research institutions and governmental organisations.
If you have any questions about whether you qualify for a nonprofit pass, please contact us at conference@mydata.org.
- What is a “Presenter” ticket?
Presenters are entitled to the special “Presenters Only” ticket at the price of 79 EUR + 24% VAT.
The Presenters tickets can be purchased at any time but only by those included in the programme of the Conference.
- Are there any discounts available?
Yes. If you are a member of MyData Global or your organisation is a member, you are entitled to the 20% discount. You should have received your discount code in the members-only newsletter. If you cannot find it, contact conference@mydata.org
Also, the participants coming from low and middle-income countries are entitled to a 50% discount on all tickets. The discount code is WelcomeWorld.
- I am a member of MyData Global. Can I get the cheaper ticket?
Yes. If you are a member of MyData Global or your organisation is a member, you are entitled to the 20% discount. You should have received your discount code in the members-only newsletter. If you cannot find it, contact conference@mydata.org.
- My company is an organisational member of MyData Global? Does the membership discount apply if I want to buy a ticket?
Yes. If your organisation is a member, you are entitled to the 20% membership discount.
To get the discount code, get in touch with the contact person for MyData Global at your organisation or contact conference@mydata.org
- I am not a member of MyData Global yet. How can I join?
You can join any time at mydata.org/join.
We welcome both individuals and organisations, who share the principles for fair, sustainable and prosperous digital society outlined in MyData Declaration.
- What is included in the ticket price?
The price includes:
- Access to the full programme of the MyData Online 2020 Conference,
- Access to the networking space and demo lounge in the Virtual Venue,
- Access to all presentations and recordings during and after the conference,
- Virtual social programme
and - The opportunity to be part of a unique interactive online event, concluding a year full of surprises.
- Why do you charge 24% VAT?
MyData Online 2020 is organised by MyData Global, which is based in Finland. Thus, we charge the Finnish VAT of 24%.
- What’s the timezone of the Conference?
The conference does not follow one specific timezone. We ensure that you can enjoy the quality programme no matter when in the world you are joining from.
There will be the three “regional” timezones: Americas, Europe & Africa and Asia & Pacific which means that during the day, you will be able to follow the programme in at least two timezones.
- What kind of programme does MyData Online 2020 offer?
MyData Online 2020 offers plenary sessions with the invited presenters, the parallel sessions, incl. panel discussions, workshops and other interactive formats, demo lounge, social programme, networking breaks, Open Space and informal programme.
- Is it a set of webinars or do you also offer some other programme?
MyData Online 2020 is NOT a set of webinars. It’s an interactive conference, which wants to engage the participants in the discussions, social activities and networking.
- What does the “demo lounge” mean?
Demo lounge will be a stage for the companies, startups and other organisations to present their products, services and solutions from the world of MyData.
It will be organised in a form of the lightly facilitated sessions during the three day.
- Will there be any social programme?
Yes. On Thursday and Friday, we will organise the social programme in each of the three “regional” timezones.
The programme is under development now, so stay tuned for updates.
- What is Open Space?
MyData Online 2020 uses the Open Space (or Unconference) method to organise the discussions on the emerging questions or topics not included in the main programme on Saturday, 12 December. Open Space means that everyone is welcome to organise a session on any topic. This happens during the agenda-setting part of Open Space.
- Why is the Conference organised on Saturday?
We decided to go for Saturday to make sure that everyone, who wants to participate but cannot take time out from the busy schedule at work during the week, can join.
Saturday is also meant as a day of “action” i.e. Open Space, demo lounge, workshops, creathons etc.
- What will happen on Saturday?
The key element of the programme on Saturday is Open Space. Also, other workshops, demo lounge and Closing Plenary will take place on Saturday.
Virtual venue
- Where will the Conference take place?
The Virtual Venue for MyData Online 2020 is the Qiqo platform. It enables a vibrant & empowering online conference experience that replicates the freedom of movement and collaboration that participants have at in-person events.
Participants can make choices in real-time about which breakout, panel, or workshop they wish to attend, and work together thanks to the smooth integration of the online teleconference platform and collaborative working tools.
- What is Qiqo?
The Qiqo platform enables a vibrant & empowering online conference experience that replicates the freedom of movement and collaboration that participants have at in-person events.
Participants can make choices in real-time about which breakout, panel, or workshop they wish to attend, and work together thanks to the smooth integration of the online teleconference platform and collaborative working tools.
- What functionalities does it include?
In Qiqo you can organise truly interactive sessions where people have a chance to
- collaborate together,
- cooperate on the documents without switching to another tool,
- integrate the tool you need for the successful delivery of your session,
- actively propose and/or present your ideas within the “open space”,
- meet in smaller groups, and
- conduct 1-2-1 meetings.
- How do I enter the online platform?
Each registered participant will receive an entry code to Qiqo at least two weeks before the conference.
- Will I have a chance to create my own profile in Qiqo?
Yes. You are encouraged to create your own profile, including your picture.
- Can I visit the venue before the event?
Yes. You will receive an entry code to Qiqo at least two weeks before the conference.
Also, orienteering visits will be organised for participants to make sure everyone feels comfortable in the venue.
Networking opportunities
- Will I be able to meet old friends and new people in the virtual venue?
Yes. There will be networking breaks, chat rooms, social events and of course sessions where you can meet people.
There will be lots of space for informal meetings, e.g. in the Gardens, which is a space in the Qiqo platform that is created for chats, social interactions and ad hoc meetings.
- How can I present myself in Qiqo?
Upon entry, you will be invited to create a profile, incl. picture and some information like your interests and eg. LinkedIn profile. This will help people to identify you. We encourage you to use your full names and real pictures as this will support you and the conference attendees to find and interact with each other better.
- Who are the partners of MyData Online 2020?
Numerous organisations (businesses, governmental organisations, think tanks, startups and other), which care about the ethical data sharing partner with MyData Online 2020.
The up-to-date list of partners is available on the Conference website.
- My company would like to be a partner of MyData Online 2020? What is your offer?
Thanks to the partnership with MyData Online 2020 you can:
- Co-create the international, global event
- Engage with the crowd of the industry shakers and movers
- Ignite business and product development partnerships
- Demonstrate your thought leadership in practice
- Show that you are a future-oriented & ethical organisation
- Learn from the best experts in the world
- Strengthen engagement with the MyData community
- Debate with policymakers
For details, contact teemu@mydata.org.
- How will the partners be visible at MyData Online 2020?
The partners will be visible in the programme, in the conference areas (eg by branding the session rooms with their names) and in their designated partner rooms.
The rooms offer partners an opportunity to hold meetings or discussions, present their publications, videos and products and much more. Contact karolina@mydata.org to discuss the opportunities.
- Who organises MyData Online 2020 Conference?
The Conference is organised by the MyData Global – an award-winning international nonprofit based in Finland. MyData Global’s mission is to empower individuals to self-determination regarding their personal data.
Our work is primarily financed by membership fees and revenue from the Conference.
- Is there any Code of Conduct the participants should follow?
MyData Global organisation and its international network operate on the basis of trust, which is actively built by the guiding principles outlined here.
MyData Global aspires to weave these principles into all our interactions, including the events.
- Where can I get the updates about MyData Online 2020?
The best way to stay in touch is via joining MyData Slack, following social media (e.g. Twitter: @mydataorg) or signing for our newsletter here.